Spirit seems to be the only one fo the 2 of us who is enjoying the snow. She is a Northern Inuit and is very suited to these conditions. She's a nightmare on the lead though at this time of year. I think she goes into sled mode. My arms weren't meant for it!!!!
The youngest member of our family turned 1 just before christmas. She's also turning out to be very crafty and seems to think I need help!!!
Your pets are beautiful!!! Spirits pictures reminds me of when we lived in Alaska and our husky Billie. She was the same way in the snow and LOVED to run!
Thank you ~Jeri~. Yes Spirit loves the snow. Her breed strangely enough are from Canada. What type of Husky did you have? I feel very privilidged to have my two and they love each other dearly. There is five years between them but you would think they were twins the way they carry on!!!
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